Quite often lately, I have been making myself an open-faced egg sandwich for dinner. It's my current favorite thing to eat. It's a riff on avocado toast with a fried egg, so tasty and easy. It's my current equivalent of a bachelor dinner, and a step up from my previous one, which was grilled cheese and baked beans. (Do not judge.)
This is what I do. I toast a piece of bread and heat up a small pan. Once the toast is ready, I butter it, because what is the point of toast if it does not have butter on it? (This rule does not apply if there is Nutella or peanut butter involved.) I check the pan, and if it's hot enough, in goes some oil and then an egg; salt, pepper, and a dash of cayenne on top. Lid goes on; egg cooks. I cut off about 1/3 of avocado and mash it on to the toast. Squeeze of lime. Flip the egg. I use my zester to grate some parm on top of the avocado. Once the egg is done, with the yolk still tender, I slide it on top, and give it a good healthy squeeze of Sriracha. Perfection. (I've also been known to switch out the avocado or the egg for sardines. I'm kind of crazy for sardines these days too. They usually call for some Dijon mustard, as well.)
The Oscars are this weekend and sometimes I wish I could muster the same level of enthusiasm for them that I used to. I never seem to see any movies these days, and haven't seen many of the contenders. I may not watch at all, except the opening to see the dresses. I did, however, see Hugo, and thought it was beautiful. The Self-Styled Siren has a *gorgeous* post up on it. Go read it.
I'm off to cat/house sit for the weekend. Three friendly kitties, one extra large tv, walking distance of lots of fun things. I'm looking forward to it.
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